AirTel 3G High Speed Vpn Trick With All New Multiple Hosts Modded
Hey Guys Its Airtel 3G Vpn trick Based On Tcp Vpn trick :D
Presenting Airtel 3g vpn trick based on tcp ports with official free hosts from airtel 3g , airtel 3g vpn tricks are always works normally all over but we must clarify that that airtel 3g vpn tricks based on tcp ports worked at Eastern states which includes Bihar , Jharkhand , West bengal as we have got reports that airtel 3g vpn tricks works for them , still no need to worry about that guys who belongs to these states we have working proxy tricks which works much faster than tcp vpn tricks but you need to worry about the wesites view, yeah that can be used for download for sure i will provide a real high speed download with proxy tricks.
Previously we have shared the same airtel 3g vpn trick with multiple hosts + we have included premium proxy of hide my ass on the same attachment get this form here : Airtel 3g vpn trick , soon we will be posting reliance 3g vpn trick based on tcp ports as we have got the issues that at some states reliance direct trick is consuming much data balance most of the time the way to overcome data deductions you need to use reliance 3g vpn trick based on tcp ports yes tcp won't be providing much speed all the times except at night .
Get More Working Tricks Below Are the Links :
Requirement For this AirTel 3G Vpn Trick
How To use this AirTel 3G Vpn Trick
For Mobile users:
Android mobile use can also use these AirTel 3G Trick configs with their android devices just you need to follow these simple steps :
Presenting Airtel 3g vpn trick based on tcp ports with official free hosts from airtel 3g , airtel 3g vpn tricks are always works normally all over but we must clarify that that airtel 3g vpn tricks based on tcp ports worked at Eastern states which includes Bihar , Jharkhand , West bengal as we have got reports that airtel 3g vpn tricks works for them , still no need to worry about that guys who belongs to these states we have working proxy tricks which works much faster than tcp vpn tricks but you need to worry about the wesites view, yeah that can be used for download for sure i will provide a real high speed download with proxy tricks.
Previously we have shared the same airtel 3g vpn trick with multiple hosts + we have included premium proxy of hide my ass on the same attachment get this form here : Airtel 3g vpn trick , soon we will be posting reliance 3g vpn trick based on tcp ports as we have got the issues that at some states reliance direct trick is consuming much data balance most of the time the way to overcome data deductions you need to use reliance 3g vpn trick based on tcp ports yes tcp won't be providing much speed all the times except at night .
Get More Working Tricks Below Are the Links :
Requirement For this AirTel 3G Vpn Trick
- AirTel 3G Enabled Sim card.
- Maintain main balance of Rs. 0 , Data Pack Required if you don't want to cap your 3g speed [More details on Attachment ].
- Apn:
- Speed Up to 500 KBps Tested on In 7.2 Mbps Modem.
For Mobile users:
Android mobile use can also use these AirTel 3G Trick configs with their android devices just you need to follow these simple steps :
- Download and extract config in SD card.
- Go to Google Play Store Search for open vpn for android. Or Click Here
- Install Open Vpn in you android device.
- Add Airtel 3G Vpn Config to open Vpn folder.
- Run and Enjoy :)
- Download The Attachment of AirTel 3G Trick.
- Install Nmdvpn and Put configs Here (C:\Program Files\NMDVPN\config) Click Here to Download Nmdvpn.
- Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users RUN NMD VPN as the Administrator.
- Just Connect and Enjoy.
AirTel 3G High Speed Vpn Trick With All New Multiple Hosts Modded
Reviewed by Unknown
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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