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How to extract Huawei firmware /

I wondered how to extract the firmware files Huawei, since with the dsixda's Android Kitchen I could not do it. After some research I finally found and I share my method in this thread.
This method works for the newer firmware (i tested on JellyBean Emotion UI 1.5) but should also work on a lot of others version.
Please for all improvements, send me a MP. I’m french and it’s possible for me to misspellings

This thread is in constant progress thanks to your feedback..

I. What you will need

II. Download and install ActivePerl

1. Download ActivePerl
2. Install it:

3. It's okay for ActivePerl

III. Install script to extract

1. Create a new folder on your Desktop named "Huawei ROM extract"
2. Download this script (I modified it to work properly) in the folder "Huawei ROM extract"
3. Put your in the same folder
NB: It have to be named !!!
4. So you folder look like this:

5. Double click on
6. This window will appear, just wait:

7. When it finish the window is closed automaticaly
8. In your folder this is a new folder named "output", open it
9. You will see some files like:

10. It's okay for extraction

III. Find system, boot and recovery files

1. Download my script HuaweiFinder in the folder "Huawei ROM extract"
2. Execute my script with a double click, youwill see this windows:

3. It's done, go into ouput folder and you will see some files:

boot.img is the kernel files
recovery.img is the recovery
system.img is the rom
others files are some others system files

III. Open and extract img

1. Now download Android ICS JB EXT4 imagefile unpacker
2. Extract it in the folder "Huawei ROM extract"
3. Open ext4_unpacker
4. Double clic on ext4_unpacker.exe

5. Clic on this icon:
6. Go to the output folder and select system.img clic on "Open"

7. Now select all files, right clic and clic on "Extract"

8. You will see this:

9. It's okay the ROM is extracted where you have choosen !!

I hope this guide will be helpful!! And don't forget to thanks

How to extract Huawei firmware / Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, July 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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