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AirTel Vpn Trick 3G No Sim Block New Working Host Jan Feb 2014

Welcome :D
As Usual we have to roll back to Airtel 3G vpn trick  as you know why  ? The Reason is Tricks are getting blocked day by day nothing can be done for that because we are not taking care of tricks. We all know now days tricks are working less and users for using tricks are increasing day by day , we can't do any thing for that because now days 3G internet packs are getting costly and costly .  

Previously we have shared many trick with you all and let me remind you all that all the below posted tricks are still working just you need to do a small changes on Vpn book config that is you have to keep updating password for authentication you can found that .txt file in config files do the changes and keep enjoying .
Some Links that you  can give a try if not interested on Airtel 3g vpn trick  do fear of sim card blocking or speed capping which always done by airtel nowdays , but i really prefer airtel 3g tcp or airtel proxy trick when none of the tricks are working.

Check Out Below Links Updated Now :

Now, Let me give some basic info about this airtel 3g vpn trick for jan feb 2014 working with blocked so there are no restrictions and limitation for unlimited downloads and surf internet as much as you want , and if you sim card is not blocked yet use unlimited because there is no sim blocking for them. This airtel 3g vpn trick is based on Tcp port 433 so this trick will work for sure on states where airtel tcp 443 is open i have tested this in Delhi airtel 3g prepaid sim also tested on up east found working on these , i guess this will work in other states too for sure i cant state here all the circles due to other states sim card you can try yourself and give as feed backs are most welcome in comments.

Some Basic Requirement For this AirTel 3G Vpn Trick

  1. AirTel 3G Enabled Sim card
  2. Maintain main balance of Rs. 0 ,  Data Pack Required if you dont want to cap your 3g speed.
  3. Apn:
  4. Speed Up to 500 KBps Tested on In 7.2 Mbps Modem
How To use this AirTel 3G Vpn Trick

For Mobile users:  Android mobile use can also use these AirTel 3G Trick configs  with their android devices just you need to follow these simple steps :

  1. Download and extract config in SD card.
  2. Go to Google Play Store Search for open vpn for android. Or CLick Here
  3. Install Open Vpn in you android device.
  4. Add Airtel 3G Vpn Config to open Vpn folder.
  5. Run and Enjoy  :)
For PC Users:

1.Download The Attachment of AirTel 3G Trick.
2.Install Nmdvpn and Put configs Here (C:\Program Files\NMDVPN\config) Click Here to Download Nmdvpn.
3.Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users RUN NMD VPN as the Administrator.
4.Just Connect and Enjoy.

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AirTel Vpn Trick 3G No Sim Block New Working Host Jan Feb 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, July 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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