CF-Auto-Root is the root for "rooting beginners" and those who want to
keep as close to stock as possible. CF-Root is meant to be used in
combination with stock Samsung firmwares, and be the quickest and easiest way for your first root. In essence, it does nothing but install and enable SuperSU on your system, so apps can gain root access.
This thread serves as a central discussion and request thread for CF-Auto-Root. If you have questions about a specific CF-Auto-Root binary for a specific device, please go the relevant thread listed on the CF-Auto-Root homepage.
CF-Root and CF-Auto-Root have been available for many devices (over 50 different models !) and have clocked over 9 million downloads. This is not even counting custom ROMs that include CF-Root (non-Auto) kernels. Don't be a leech, buy me a beer (and use the "Thanks" button!). Imagine if every user had donated me $1...
What's installed
- SuperSU binary and APK
- Stock recovery (note that any other recovery you may have installed will be overwritten !)
What's the difference between CF-Auto-Root and CF-Root, and/or other root solutions ?
CF-Root (non-Auto) are manually built rooted kernels and/or flashables that usually provide more than "just root". CF-Auto-Root is built on an automated system that I am constantly improving that takes a stock recovery image and returns an automated rooting packages. These packages are designed to install and enable SuperSU on your device, so apps can gain root access, and nothing more.
The difference with many other rooting solutions is that those will often install a custom recovery for you (I am personally moving away from custom kernels and recoveries, for various reasons), while with CF-Auto-Root you will end up with a stock recovery again.
Not included - custom recovery
A custom recovery like CWM or TWRP is not included.
Not included - Triangle Away
Triangle Away can be used to reset the flash counter after installing CF-Root. The flash counter keeps track of how many custom firmwares you have flashed, as this voids warranty. (No idea what this about ? Read up on it, you will want to use this !)
Not included - adbd Insecure
As this CF-Root does not include a custom kernel, adb shell does not have root access by default (you can still get it by typing su inside the shell), nor is adb remount supported, nor will adb push and adb pull work on system files. adbd Insecure can be used to remedy this situation. (No idea what this is about ? Don't worry about it !)
CF-Auto-Root homepage
This thread serves as a central discussion and request thread for CF-Auto-Root. If you have questions about a specific CF-Auto-Root binary for a specific device, please go the relevant thread listed on the CF-Auto-Root homepage.
CF-Root and CF-Auto-Root have been available for many devices (over 50 different models !) and have clocked over 9 million downloads. This is not even counting custom ROMs that include CF-Root (non-Auto) kernels. Don't be a leech, buy me a beer (and use the "Thanks" button!). Imagine if every user had donated me $1...
What's installed
- SuperSU binary and APK
- Stock recovery (note that any other recovery you may have installed will be overwritten !)
What's the difference between CF-Auto-Root and CF-Root, and/or other root solutions ?
CF-Root (non-Auto) are manually built rooted kernels and/or flashables that usually provide more than "just root". CF-Auto-Root is built on an automated system that I am constantly improving that takes a stock recovery image and returns an automated rooting packages. These packages are designed to install and enable SuperSU on your device, so apps can gain root access, and nothing more.
The difference with many other rooting solutions is that those will often install a custom recovery for you (I am personally moving away from custom kernels and recoveries, for various reasons), while with CF-Auto-Root you will end up with a stock recovery again.
Not included - custom recovery
A custom recovery like CWM or TWRP is not included.
Not included - Triangle Away
Triangle Away can be used to reset the flash counter after installing CF-Root. The flash counter keeps track of how many custom firmwares you have flashed, as this voids warranty. (No idea what this about ? Read up on it, you will want to use this !)
Not included - adbd Insecure
As this CF-Root does not include a custom kernel, adb shell does not have root access by default (you can still get it by typing su inside the shell), nor is adb remount supported, nor will adb push and adb pull work on system files. adbd Insecure can be used to remedy this situation. (No idea what this is about ? Don't worry about it !)
CF-Auto-Root homepage
Reviewed by Unknown
Saturday, July 04, 2015

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