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AirCel 3G Vpn Trick No Limits April May 2014

Hey all, 
Sharing new latest trick for aircel 3g based on tcp vpn trick working almost all over where aircel 3g has been launched , its not based on any host such as wikipedia or something its totally based on tcp open post so there is no fear for speed capping or any other issue. Yes this trick will work for you at zero balance i have personally checked with brand new sim card activated aircel  3G services and tried working fine without any speed capping i suggest please prefer new sim card for using this trick if you want unlimited usage for you. Can't say for old aircel 3g users because i haven't tetsted on old 3g aircel services.
Moreover as you know our team is very active and sharing tricks and new configurations for you all thanks for supporting us and thanks for showing your love towards us we are going to complete 1 year at this end of april :)
Soon we will be posting idea 3G tcp/udp trick for you all can't say perfect day but asap , airtel 3g free internet vpn trick you can find on our blog just take care of sim blocking and speed capping issues we will try to keep you updated with airtel 3g free internet services , Reliance 3g updates vpn tcp comfigurations will also be posted soon  :D . More tricks are coming soon just keep paitence and have positive thinking towards tricks  

Requirement For this Aircel 3G Vpn Trick 

  1. Aircel 3G Enabled Sim card
  2. Maintain main balance of Rs. 0 , Pack Required .
  3. Apn:Check Attachment :)
  4. Speed Up to More than 500 KBps :D In 7.2 Mbps Modem
  5. Enough for this trick
Features of Aircel 3G Vpn Trick
  1. Unlimited Download.
  2. No speed capping.
  3. High speed.
  4. Torrent Supported.
  5. Disconnection Free .

How To use this Aircel 3G  Vpn Trick 

For Mobile users:  Android mobile use can also use these BSNL 3G Trick configs  with their android devices just you need to follow these simple steps : 
  1. Download and extract config in SD card.
  2. Go to Google Play Store Search for open vpn for android. Or Click Here
  3. Install Open Vpn in you android device.
  4. Add Aircel 3G Vpn Config to open Vpn folder.
  5. Run and Enjoy  :)
For PC Users:
1.Download The Attachment of 
Aircel 3G Trick.
2.Install Nmdvpn and Put configs Here (C:\Program Files\NMDVPN\config)
Click Here to Download Nmdvpn. **NEW**
3.Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users RUN NMD VPN as the Administrator.
4.Just Connect and Enjoy.

:: Download :: 

AirCel 3G Vpn Trick No Limits April May 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, July 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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