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Aircel Vpn 3G trick November December 2013 Tcp Udp Based

Presenting New trick for Aircel 3g working fine in eastern regions, states like Bihar Jharkhand Westbengal Uttarpradesh , also working in south regions main purpose of sharing this trick with you all is that many were requesting for tricks basically form eastern users so thought of sharing this will you all because if we are getting some thing for free then why should we waste that even this tricks having some complication yet we are sharing because having something is better that you don't have any thing with you for using free internet trick.

We have already shared many tricks with you as as you can find all the links of tricks just by scrolling blog down or see older posts to get some idea for tricks.

Many  of you have heard about Idea 3G Dhingana trick but there is a bad news for us that idea 3g is now days become very strict with free internet tricks the application is working fine in mobile default browser but have issued with installing proxy or Tcp ports with hosts the are deducting our balance :/

But do not worry because we are having backups like aircel 3g :D , so sharing with you all this trick . 
As this trick is based on tcp port and the popular host provided by Aircel around 3 Months ago. 

Previously we have shared with you all Airtel 3G UDP Trick and Bsnl 3G UDP Trick which is still working fine :D

For Mobile users: 
Android mobile use can also use these Aircel 3G Trick configs  with their android devices just you need to follow these simple steps :

  1. Download and extract config in SD card.
  2. Go to Google Play Store Search for open vpn for android. Or CLick Here
  3. Install Open Vpn in you android device.
  4. Add Aircel 3G Vpn Config to open Vpn folder.
  5. Run and Enjoy  :)
For PC Users: 

1.Download The Attachment of Aircel 3GTrick.
2.Install Nmdvpn and Put configs Here (C:\Program Files\NMDVPN\config) Click Here to Download Nmdvpn.
3.Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users RUN NMD VPN as the Administrator.
4.Just Connect and Enjoy.

Note: Configs are Pass Protected.
Password Is: aircel_3g
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Aircel Vpn 3G trick November December 2013 Tcp Udp Based Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, July 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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