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LG sells 14.5 million smartphones in Q2, mobile division returns to profit

LG has churned out some really impressive smartphones recently including the Nexus 5 and the recently released G3. They have managed to sell a record 14.5 million smartphones during the second quarter of 2014. This is a 20 percent increase when compared to Q2 2013 and a growth of 17 percent when compared to Q1 2014. With $3.5 billion worth of sales, LG saw an operating profit of $83.4 million, after consecutive losses for three straight quarters. LG has stated that a third of its smartphones sold were 4G LTE compliant. This goes on to show the importance of 4G LTE in smartphones.
LG sells 14.5 million smartphones in Q2, mobile division returns to profit Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, August 04, 2015 Rating: 5

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