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Nokia is pushing Windows Phone 8.1 Cyan updates to Lumia 525 and Lumia 620

During the announcement of Windows Phone, Microsoft had promised that all the smartphones based on Windows Phone platform will get consistent and constant updates unlike Android smartphones which face huge problems with software updates. Well, looks like they were true as Nokia Lumia 525 and Nokia Lumia 620 which were released last year are getting the latest Windows Phone 8.1 Cyan updates in Asia.
The Windows Phone 8.1 Cyan update for Nokia Lumia 620 has already been pushed in India and the users might get it anytime now. The Lumia 525 users in some Asia Pacific countries; Cambodia, China, Malaysia are already getting the update which means that it won’t take much time when the update hits India. This update will bring much needed features such as Action Centre, Cortana Voice Assistant, File Manager and general performance updates apart from a laundry list of features through Windows Phone 8.1.
Nokia is pushing Windows Phone 8.1 Cyan updates to Lumia 525 and Lumia 620 Reviewed by Unknown on Wednesday, August 05, 2015 Rating: 5

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